

Fand meine eigenen Worte im Cyberspace. Zwar in Englisch aber hey,

N.Y.Times discusses pretty honestly the effects, downsizing has on the

The cocktail of having to work longer hours coupled with fears about job security is making the workforce in the U.S. sick and is causing an avalanche of Workmans Comp claims. N.Y. Times also questions if tomorrow's educated professionals can no longer hope for conventional job security.

I would like to rephrase that from my own perspective: As a temp I have worked on high-profile projects in Munich's international industries, long hours, low pay, no job security. I improved my skill set dramatically, discovering that IT contractors and consultants have embraced this way of working long ago. The difference is that they are being compensated for the demand driven vs loyalty based hiring practices, and don't fret, when their project ends.

Gisela Strauss